Monday, October 18, 2010

A Journey Home

A quick video of the the little experimental piece I did of taking pictures of a short walk outside the college then sticking them together to create a long.....Picture?..anyway,watch.

Movement In Pictures

Not to lose sight of drawing in the idea of animation Im looking at movement in pictures. An artist by the name of Bill Jacklin was suggested to me and I im very glad he was. here is some of his work.

Also found some other pictures to inspire me.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Test Run Animation

Here is a short animation I made by taking a video of me running across the screen. I then took this video and imported it to my computer. In windows movie maker I paused the video on each frame,put a sheet up to the computer screen and traced the image quickly. I ended up with 21 sheets and with these i scanned them into the computer. From there I used a very simple animation software called Pivot to put the images together and created an animated Gif.

the reason for this animation is my project is starting to lead me to physical movement in the city. Journeys and routes you take with in the city. This animation deals with the physical movement people take as I will soon have another video dealing with the journey one would take so, keep checking this place out :) .

Tuesday, October 5, 2010