Monday, April 11, 2011

So ya stuck with the whole paper head thing and thought about it the weekend. As I was lying in bed Saturday it suddenly struck me to add more to my piece, expand on the idea. So what I decided to go for was an open head that was resting on a box/machine that was being scanned by the uv light. Written in either side of the head would be quotes from the book representing the main charcters head being split apart from drug Substance D. this would be written in uv paint and would only show when light is on,as if you were scanning his head !! GET IT !! SCAN ! .............Ya so....It was tricky to pull off because I didn’t know what kind of materials were there for me,as in where the hell was I going to get a uv light and uv paint in so little time !?!?! I asked around and 1 or 2 people had a uv light but it was the type that goes into a proper light in the celling………….not so good….as well as that I was running around limerick city in the rain looking for uv paint….no luck either….was ready to scrap the idea as I only had that day to make a 3d piece till eventually, I got real lucky and found myself to be lent a uv light bulb with an adapter for it to plug into the lamp and discovered that white acrylic paint would do the job inside the head, it didn’t quite glow when shone on but you could definitely read it better with light so not defeating the purpose of the light… still following ????????

Anyway enough talk here’s some pictures to get my point across, after all I’m a visual communicator !! 

heres the head I made from book pages and PVA glue,ya,keeping it old school....Primary school to be exact..

 thats the full finished piece with a Boxing made from wood and painted black,uv light shhticking out the top and some lovely paper graph coming out he front,sorry for jumping ahed forgot to take pics as i was putting it together :/ 

heres more pics from diferent views

as you can see the words are not glowing ! but you cant read them without the light on so same concept :) 

the words are quotes from the book that to me stood out for depicting which person he was at the time he was saying it eg. the charcter Bob says "Fucking straights" talking about the regular working class people who frown down on the junkies. Bob was obviously in his junkie state at this time.

So ya thats my 3d piece, heres some quick pics of my finished book cover in physical book form !

and heres my space all ready and waitting to be marked in the morning, Wish me luck !!! 

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